FSI Skills Conference


If you hadn’t already heard, our annual Skills Conference is taking place in a few weeks. This one day event will provide small charity delegates the chance to access expert speakers on a variety of topics to build essential, back office skills.

Places are filling up fast so click on the workshops below to find out what sessions are on offer. You are able to access four sessions on the day – when booking, we will ask you to pick your top six topics and at least three will be allocated for you to attend.









All topics are selected based on feedback we receive from our charity members on where they need the greatest support.

Venue: Resource for London, 356 Holloway Road, London, N7 6PA
Date: Thursday 1st March 2018
Time: 09:30 – 16:30 (registration from 09:15)
Cost: : The FSI Skills Conference has an average market value of £295 but is delivered to our members for a heavily subsidised fee of £15. Full details on our deposit policy available on our website.

N.B. Two spaces are available per small charity – further spaces required after this will be placed on a waiting list.