If you have recently experienced any hate crime towards your place of worship, it is worth noting that the the third round of the Places of Worship Protective Security Funding scheme is now open.
Funding is available for places of worship that have been subject to, or are vulnerable to hate crime attacks, to provide protective security measures such as CCTV, fencing and lighting. It is one of the main commitments contained within the Government Hate Crime Action Plan.
The funding is available to places of worship in England and Wales, including:
- Churches
- Gurdwaras
- Mosques
- Temples
Please note, faith schools, educational institutions, community centres, NHS establishments (including chapels and prayer rooms) are not eligible to apply.
For more information on the scheme and to find out how to apply, click here.
If you have any questions or would like assistance in completing your application, please email: aya@faithsforum4london.org
[embedyt] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7OEuxYgwHCw[/embedyt]